Park Dog Litter bins 27/03/2018 Motion

September 21, 2023


Tuesday, March 27, 2018


MOTION: Councillor L. O’Toole

“That this Area Committee, following feedback/comments made by park users in particular in Griffeen Park regarding excessive dog waste in our parks, requests the Chief Executive examines introducing dog litter bins on a pilot basis in Griffeen Park to ascertain their effectiveness and possibly resulting in a reduction of dog waste.”


A review of litter bins was initiated in 2017 and the provision of dog litter specific bins was considered. The review concluded that the provision of dog litter specific bins would require a major change to the existing collection operation.   It is not Council policy to provide separate bins for separate types of waste and no change is proposed in that regard. 

Every bin provided in Griffeen Valley Park is available for the disposal of light litter including dog waste and is considered the best approach.  Pictorial signage was added to bins (where possible) in 2017 to encourage dog owners to pick up after their dog and dispose of the waste in the bins provided.