Lucan Newsletter 27/10/2023
October 27, 2023
Sarsfields Park Development: following communications with residents in Sarsfields Park a number of concerns were highlighted with me. I have since requested that the council arrange for a point of contact when the development commences. I can confirm that there will be a leaflet drop in the estate which will include details of contractor including the point of contact.
Litter Bins: at this week’s area committee meeting I tabled a motion requesting that larger bins be placed in areas of high footfall in our parks. Management then agreed to looking at increased cleansing schedules and adding an extra bin to existing ones. Huge thanks to everyone that has messaged me on the issue of litter and overflowed bins.
Wishing everyone a safe and spooky Halloween!
The very best of luck to everyone taking part in this year’s Dublin Marathon your all winners!
Liona O’Toole Your INDEPENDENT Cllr.