Lucan Newsletter 17/1/2016
January 24, 2016
Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent
County Development Plan: I am currently working on the next stage of the County Development Plan analyzing all 500+ submissions received from groups, individuals and also business’s/developers. I would like to thank the various groups and individuals that sent in submissions. I will be paying close attention to the CEO responses and recommendation and ensure that all our previous motions are kept within the draft.
Swimming pool: As promised I continue to keep the swimming pool for Lucan on the agenda. Unfortunately the Mminister has still not confirmed if the Pool Programme is to be reopened. I requested confirmation if the Minister is accepting our invite which I raised as a motion to visit the council to discuss the swimming pool for Lucan.
Adamstown Sports/Community Hall: Myself and Community colleague Guss O’Connell and Paul Gogarty discussed this issue at our meeting last Monday.