Lucan Newsletter 16/4/2023
April 16, 2023
Blockage or Drains/Sewers flooding: With the weather being so bad lately, some residents have had issues with their drains/sewers flooding on their premises. If this happens contact Irish Water, emergency number 1800278278 or South Dublin County Council emergency number at 01 4574907. You can also get in touch with me directly and I will help escalate the matter.
School Building Projects: After receiving disappointing news from Department of Education that several school projects were paused due to funding issues, delighted to report that funding has now been allocated to allow for all the paused projects to proceed including Griffeen Community College.
Public street lighting improvements: Following an onsite meeting held with council officials and resident representative, where we highlighted areas that have had reduced light due to change is the head lamps/output, It was agreed to pilot some areas with additional lamps.