Lucan Newsletter 5/7/2015

September 21, 2023


Cllr Liona O’Toole Independent


Cllr Guss O’Connell Independent


Cllr Paul Gogarty Independent


2016-2022 Draft Development Plan passed:

After three six-hour meetings and 326 individual motions, the Draft Development Plan was passed by Councillors and will go on public display shortly. Residents of Lucan will have approximately 10 weeks to examine and make comments on this plan before it goes before the elected members for final amendments and adoption.

It is vital that you have your say on this Draft. Your three local Independent Councillors and our colleagues have endeavoured to improve the initial plan put forward by Council officials. The motions we tabled, amended or supported were made with the common good in mind and informed by our interactions with local residents.

In recognition of the housing crisis and national spatial strategy we did not seek to take a populist view and pointlessly rezone existing land zonings that the Minister can overturn, but have instead striven to maximise community and sports facilities on any lands and ensure the highest building construction standards are maintained with an objective to facilitate renewable energy options so that heating, electricity and other costs will be reduced in new house plans and in industrial zones. We focused on jobs, promoting enterprise and tourism and including measures to make South Dublin an attractive place in which to do business.

Key local motions: Some of the key motions we got added into the plan thus far include making a swimming pool at Griffeen a key objective of the Council (but with full consultation on any final location); measures to protect and enhance the scenic Liffey Valley lands; and to prioritise safe access to and from all schools in the area. We also made it policy for the Council to make available suitable Council-owned brown field sites and buildings to sports and/or community groups on a temporary or permanent lease basis.

With the support of a majority of Councillors we put forward local objectives to enhance noise barriers along Moy Glas estate and ensure the Council will prioritise upgrading athletics facilities beside the future preferred Luas route (e.g. at Lucan Harriers). We amended a motion in relation to required drop-off and turning facilities at Lucan Educate Together to make it more realistic and workable. We ensured Adamstown will be allowed have anchor department stores in future. We added an objective to provide accessible linkages between the newly expanding Liffey Valley Town Centre and adjoining communities such as Lucan.

If you like our additions to the plan, we need you to actively support them in writing. We will also take any new suggestions on board that are made during the consultation process.

Cllr. Liona O’Toole

Ph: 0872795274