Lucan Newsletter 4/2/2018
September 21, 2023
Cllr. Liona O’Toole Independent
Clonburris SDZ update: Number of Clonburris meetings took place over the last week all of which I attended from beginning to end which was important, as an elected rep we need to ensure that all aspects of the plan was covered. At the time of writing this the final decision had not taken place. Updates on all motions and votes will be published after Thursday/Friday. I like to thank the residents that took the time to attend these meetings and will be in a position to report the FACTS.
Griffeen Park/Esker Celtic 5K: Congratulations to all involved in the 5K runs which took place last weekend. It was a great turnout and great benefit to the community. Delighted to see some Lucan’s Operation Transformation members at these events.
Adamstown Sports/Community Hall: I continue to work with management on the opening of this facility.