Lucan Newsletter 29/11/2015

September 21, 2023

Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent

Park Dog Run Repair: Following my request the council have agreed to inspect the Griffeen Park dog run to examine and deal with the issues as reported to me by a number of dog walkers. An onsite meeting is been arranged with a representative group of dog walkers. If users have any immediate concerns that require urgent attention they should contact the Customer Care Counter on 01 414900 or via email at I am also available to assist.
Road safety: I have requested that the council examine the possibility of installing stop signs at Cornmill Road, and Spa Hotel entrance/exit.” They confirmed accident statistics will be examined to determine if there is a need to provide stop signs at these locations.
HGV: Following my requests the council have agreed to review and consider installing new more visible type HGV restriction signs.