Lucan Newsletter 23/11/2014
November 23, 2014
Sports Facility: Lucan’s plans for a sport pavilion still remains on the Manager’s programme. A decision to pull back on funding from other areas was necessary to protect against rent increases proposed by the Government early next year. I can confirm that the Manager is seeking funding from various sources for sports facilities for Lucan. It is hoped that the Government’s intention to increase rent will be reversed and this will allow for the funds to be released back to the council. I can assure Lucan Residents that myself as part of the Community Alliance WILL get a new sport Pavilion for Lucan.
Flooding: Concerns have been raised that some areas have not been cleared. I will continue to work with council officials on this issue
Public Policing Meeting: Next Tuesday 25th November in St. Mary’s Parish hall at 7:45.
Irish Water: What a disaster….