Lucan Newsletter 23/8/2015

September 21, 2023

Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent
Waste Facility Permit: I was happy to assist concerned residents and get clarification on the waste facility permit application at Esker Cemetery. No waste will actually be deposited on the site, but rather waste/debris material up to a maximum of 400 tonnes will be removed removed from the site as part of a cleanup. Fresh topsoil will be used to replenish any waste material removed. I will continue to monitor this.
County Development Plan 2016-2022: I have copies of the draft development plan/maps which I can make available and discuss any aspect of the plan with interested parties. Myself and my Community Alliance colleagues Paul and Guss have been working very hard to shape the plan to the benefit of Lucan and Palmerstown. Now is the chance for the public to have their say by making submissions. Deadline is 24th September 2015.