Lucan Newsletter 16/9/2015
September 21, 2023
Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent
County Development Plan 2016-2022: Closing date for submissions on the County Development plan is this Thursday 24th 2015. Now is the chance for the public to have their say by making submissions. You can contact me if you need assistance with your submission.
School Safety Measures: Following motions I raised in relation to safety measures outside our schools I would like to thank the council management for installing a safety crossing outside the Adamstown schools on the Station road. I continue to work with concerned residents and council management regarding traffic and school traffic outside the recently built school St. Andrews.
Commemoration 2016: Groups and organisations in Lucan and Palmerstown have been busy looking at ways to celebrate the 2016 commemoration. Many events will be run throughout the county in the coming months.