Lucan Newsletter 13/12/2015
September 21, 2023
Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent
Adamstown Sports Hall: The minister recently stated that sensitive negotiations are taking place between Department of Education and the developer regarding the Sports Hall for Adamstown. As a councillor and member of Dublin & DunLaoighaire Education Training board I will be looking for clarity and full transparency of any revised agreements as I believe we need openness on matters around planning and development. I will continue to work with my Community Alliance colleagues the school and residents of Adamstown to ensure we get a sports community hall.
Defibrillator signs: Further to my motions and questions the CEO has confirmed to me that signage and poles have been ordered and arrangements are being made to have these installed within the council/public buildings where defibrillators are in place.
Footpaths: A number of footpath repairs remain outstanding I have been following this up with council management.