Lucan Newsletter 10/7/2016

September 21, 2023

Cllr. Liona O’Toole Independent

Chair of Lucan/Palmerstown Area Committee


Drainage: Following my work on drainage problems, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent for the Ballyowen/Hermitage area have confirmed to me that Public Realm are currently looking at possible solutions to Esker FC pitch drainage problem. The final solution will then need to be costed and included in the Public Realm budget for the coming year.

Lucan/Palmerstown Area Chair: I was elected as chair for the Lucan and Palmerstown area committee and I would be happy to receive feedback & suggestions on any issues, I am available at any time over the summer holidays

Road Safety Measures: Further to my representations the following measures were agreed: Yield sign on the Woodies bridge turning left onto the Lucan Main St., New yield sign on the roundabout at Centra, Griffeen, Extended Box junction at Finnstown Abbey. More safety measures are still being discussed.