Clonburris SDZ Appeal
September 21, 2023
On the 16th July 2018 I submitted an objection to the Clonburris SDZ draft with my Independent Colleugues Cllr. Guss O’Connell and Cllr. Franci.s Timmons.
Essentially our objection is requesting that the amendments to the draft SDZ that we successfully passed initially in SDZ meetings in Jan/Feb which were removed by other councillors in June of this year are re-instated. The councillors who voted to remove our amentments were a grouping including Sinn Fein, Labour and Social Democrats.
We don’t want to repeat the planning mistakes of the past but use this plan as an opportunity to build a new town which address’s Housing needs but also provides for a sustainable community including a better public transport system and road network, amenities and community facilities. Lucan in particular has endured a deficit of facilities and poor transport system over the last 20 years. The Clonburris SDZ should help alleviate the situation in Lucan not make it worse. Due to the potential impact this SDZ will have on West Dublin we have requested an oral hearing with An Bord Pleanala.
A copy of our appeal can be downloaded here or seen below.
A date for oral hearing has been set for 22nd January 2019
Independent Councillors Liona O’Toole and Guss O’Connell and Francis Timmons
16th July 2018
To whom it may concern,
On behalf of the above named we would like to register an Objection on South Dublin County Council’s current SDZ plan for the county at Clonburris and included is the required fee of €250.
We the public representatives have been given, by virtue of the SDZ legislation, a role to plan and design communities, including housing, facilities and service development within the Clonburris lands, and, have been given the task to adopt a plan that will promote a sustainable community in this new Town. This will be our second SDZ for the County and as public representatives we want to build on some of the successes of Adamstown, the first SDZ in the Country, while avoiding where possible obvious deficiencies and in the process maximise the unique features and opportunities Clonburris provides.
We particularly note the opportunities Clonburris offers in addressing the current housing emergency but we are equally determined that future residents will benefit from good planning, supportive infrastructure and that they will benefit from a better, not a worse, public transport system and roads network.
The development of the Clonburris lands has been the subject of much speculation and in 2008 ABP approved amendments to the SDZ agreed by the then County Council for part of the land. This was not proceeded with. An LAP was subsequently approved on Clonburris lands owned by the Council. That was never proceeded with. In making the 2014 County Development Plan the Council agreed to apply the SDZ across all the Clonburris Lands. This was subsequently signed off by the minister of the day. In doing so, we have increased the size of the land bank and proposed a much lower density allowing for greater opportunities to provide housing of mixed dwelling spread evenly throughout the plan. It has also made it possible to provide much needed open green space allowing for mixed community use including sports facilities for the planned additional population and schools within the SDZ while also providing for other needs such as an arts theatre amongst other community facilities.
The vision we have tried to foster through our motions, is one that seeks to fully develop the SDZ concept where residential, commercial, community and essential services such as public transport, are provided and developed in an integrated and phased manner. We contend that this summarises the main difference between what we propose and what has been proposed by other Councillors. The SDZ plan, that was opposed by a sizable number of the elected members, is little more than a Local Area Plan, it repeats some of the worst elements of past planning in the neighbouring communities of both Lucan and Clondalkin. It stores up huge social issues for the future residents of Clonburris and if approved as it stands will compound current social, community and traffic problems in the immediate areas of Adamstown, Lucan and Clondalkin.
We would argue that South Dublin County Council, in implementing the final SDZ scheme shall continue to take into account the observations and recommendations as expressed by the public during the consultation phase, through some 600+ submissions, and articulated by us as public representatives in our various motions, that in particular provide for universal access, improve not undermine the traffic situation, provide access to public transport, ensure up to date community facilities and services and on–site employment opportunities.
We further argue that South Dublin County Council shall continue to acknowledge that the SDZ lands, consisting of 280 hectares and a target of 8,437 new homes, which at 280 hectares approx. and with 8,437 new homes comprises some approximately 25% of the projected residential development in the South Dublin County under the 2016-22 South Dublin County Council County Development Plan 2016-2022 provides a real opportunity for joined-up planning made possible under the SDZ and not available under ordinary planning legislation.
We ask ABP to note that the area has been designated as a MUHD by the Government under the Rebuilding Ireland Programme and is therefore to be developed in a careful manner. Accordingly, the SDZ Planning Scheme shall recognise its social and economic importance to South Dublin County, to the Greater Dublin Area and to the State, having regard to the demand for new housing, which will continue to be required in the medium to long term, and in accordance with the lifespan of the SDZ. especially as the current housing emergency is projected to extend over the life span of the development phases of the SDZ.
Hence the focus has to be on building sustainable communities and not just provision of housing that will condemn future generations to the results of inadequate planning as already evidenced elsewhere in South Dublin County.
Further, we argue very strongly that South Dublin County Council shall faithfully implement the SDZ Vision in a manner that gives expression to the design and development of sustainable communities. “……designed to be an exemplar in sustainable community development…..” (CE Report P 12), The Planning Scheme must be designed to prevent urban sprawl, through good imaginative design, focusing higher density development and taller buildings around both railway stations; encourage high density and relative high-rise development round the two railway hubs.
The Planning Scheme must provide for the highest possible quality of life for future residents of Clonburris, while respecting, promoting and enhancing the quality of life for the existing neighbouring communities of Lucan, Adamstown and Clondalkin.
South Dublin County Council shall actively build on the commitment by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (Maude Ni Bhrolchain ref SDZ 268) for the maximisation and coordination of public investment across the range of state agencies and government departments involved in the development of the SDZ area and the Chief Executive shall bring quarterly reports to the monthly council meetings on the progress of this commitment over the lifetime of the SDZ development.
The progressive motions, amending the Chief Executive’s draft, that were agreed by the elected members during the initial SDZ meetings were removed at the final stage, despite huge public support, resulting essentially in a housing development devoid of any guaranteed supportive services and facilities. It is the anticizes of what an SDZ should be about.
We ask that the following Material Alterations are re-instated/amended in the SDZ
- Adamstown Extension
The Adamstown Extension is proposed to be built adjacent to the Newcastle Road(R120), south of the Railway line. The Newcastle Road is heavily congested for most parts of the day and at a virtual standstill during peak commuting times. The Newcastle Road’s capacity is limited by the junction with Hillcreast Estate and the N4 intersection. The capacity of the Road is further impacted by the unprecented amount of Exits/Entrances between the N4 intersection and the Canal. The current upgrade of the Newcastle Road will have no impact on the capacity as there are no improvements being made to the capacity limiting junctions.
Over the last 30 years Lucan has suffered due to a lack of proper planning resulting in a deficit in the provison of adequate facilities and amenities. Many sport clubs and community groups in Lucan are struggling to find space and facilities to allow them run their activities.
We propose that the 442 housing units proposed for the Adamstown Extension are re-distributed in either or both of the 2 higher density Urban Centres as they are ideally located south of the train station at Kishoge. Deleting housing at this location will also allow for an extension of the Griffeen Valley lung between Clonburris and Adamstown/Lucan. The resultant open green space will fill the existing deficit that various organisations involved in outdoor activities for ALL ages currently experience and provide for the growth of the many local sports clubs that already exist in the surrounding area and which will also serve the new Clonburris conurbation. We propose that the Adamstown Extension be renamed to the “Griffeen Extension Sports Zone”
The “Griffeen Extension Sports Zone” would be in line with the County Development C12 Objective namely:
C12 Objective 3:
To develop parks and open/green spaces that cater for the diverse needs of the County’s population, in
Particular, different age groups and abilities, through the facilitation of both active and passive recreational
activities and universal access.
As a result of our Motions passed at the January/February 2018 Clonborris SDZ meeting the material alteration Section 2.1 – No.1 was inserted into the draft development plan. This material alteration was removed at the June 2018.
We now object to this removal and request that Material Alteration 2.1 – No.1 as detailed below is re-instated.
Material Alteration REF. Section 2.1 – No.1
“Delete all References to Adamstown Extension, amending figure 2.1.1 and all subsequent diagrams, maps and graphs and to be replaced by the Griffeen Extension Sports Zone. Full sized multi-use pitches suitable for GAA and soccer, criss-crossed by smaller pitch layout;s, pitches suitable for local sports clubs and schools. The propsed Housing displaced by this Material alteration to be distributed evenly between Clonburris and Kishogue Urban Centers.”
- Relocation of Proposed Post Primary School
The Griffeen Road roundabout adjacent to the Outer Ring Road is one of the most severe traffic congestion pinch points in Lucan. The entrance to the Lucan East Educate Together is located on this roundabout. The Department of Education have proposed that a new Post Primary school be located on land adjacent to the existing Lucan East Educate Together School using the same access point as Lucan East Educate Together.
The location of the school in this location would lead to unsustainable traffic congestion and the loss of land which could be used for much needed open spaces and facilities for existing schools and residents.
Following consultation with residents and Management of other local Schools we proposed motions which were passed in Clonburris SDZ meetings January/February 2018 and resulted in Material Alteration Ref. Section 2.1 – No.3 being inserted into the draft development plan. This material alteration was removed in June 2018.
We argue that we relocate the Post Primary School from its existing proposed location in the area known in the draft plan as Kishoge North West KNW-51 to a location South or South West. The original School location to be used as Open/Green Space/ Playing Pitches. Any Housing located line of site between the new School Location and its Open/Green Space/ Playing Pitches to be relocated between Kishgue and Clonburris Urban Centres. Any Housing displaced by moving the School to its proposed new location to also be relocated and evenly distributed between Kishoge and Clonburris Urban Centres.
Our proposed relocation of the school would allow for better access/egress through the Adamstown ring road.
Our proposed relocation of the school would also be in line with the County Development C9 Objective 12 namely:
Reference: CDP 2106-2022
(C9 Objective 12:
To ensure the provision of adequate indoor and outdoor school sports facilities for all new and existing
schools in the County, based on identified need and in line with the final population of the school.
We now object to removal of this Material Alteration to the county development plan and request that Material Alteration 2.1 – No.3 as detailed below is re-instated.
Material Alteration REF. Section 2.1 – No.3
- Housing
The section on housing was discussed in great detail with the CEO and during the discussions we were informed by the Law Agent that we could not and should not make reference to percentages or figures as it would not have any valid interpretation in particular on the council owned lands and by abiding by this we submitted a motion which ensured we acted within the existing housing strategies/policies and also allowed for any future housing strategies including the need for affordable housing and Independent living/Retirement complexes which are currently under review by the Minister for Housing. This design of mixed tenure which is very much favoured by all those consulted throughout the public consultation would remove concentration of one style of housing and would promote integration.
Our contention is, and our motion reflected our intention that all development shall comply with the requirements of Part V of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 – 2016 (as amended) and with the South Dublin County Council Housing Strategy with regard to the provision of Social and Affordable Housing (if further amended).
We reiterate and ask ABP to direct that “South Dublin County Council as the planning and housing authority for the area is both obligated and mandated to achieve the best possible outcomes in terms of planned, widely distributed and socially integrated housing provision for all of its citizens within the planning scheme. As a major landowner in control of circa. 22% of the land bank within the plan area it is committed to gainfully utilising this asset together with the statutory obligations imposed by Part V of the planning and development act 2000 to deliver the optimum distributed provision of social and affordable housing throughout the SDZ area with no clustering of social units. The distribution and percentage will be subject to appropriate master planning, will involve the integrated development of all lands collectively and where it necessitates commensurate land transfers, Part 8 planning approval will be required. This integrated approach is aligned to the County Development Plan, the Council Housing Strategy, National Housing and Planning Policy and is sufficiently agile to allow for the incorporation of any new or additional national strategies supportive of affordability.”
- Car Parking
As local representatives we are aware that within the existing Adamstown SDZ there is an insufficient provision of car parking spaces. Presently the existing car parking spaces within Adamstown are overflowing and residents have been for a number of years using the existing bus lane/corridors for parking cars. We have yet to see how council management will address this issue within the Adamstown SDZ as there is no room to relocate these cars to elsewhere within in the SDZ. The proposed number of car parking spaces within the Clonburris SDZ is very low for a suburban area.
Despite the proposed revitalisation of public transport in the Greater Dublin Area, we ask that the lessons from Adamstown be applied and that the option of underground car parking is provided for within the plan.
We proposed motions providing underground free/paid car parking which was passed in Clonburris SDZ meetings January/February 2018 and resulted in Material Alteration Ref. Section 2.1 – No.7 being inserted into the draft development plan
This material alteration was removed in June 2018.
We now object to removal of this Material Alteration to the county development plan and request that Material Alteration 2.1 – No.7 as detailed below is re-instated.
MA 2.1 No. 7 to be reinstated as follows:
“Car usage is a right for Residents throughout the scheme but alternatives will be provided. The scheme shall not impact on the rights of residents to own cars. Sufficient paid underground car parking spaces shall be provided to cater for residential parking if desired.
Underground car park spaces to be provided in high density areas allowing for the option of resident car parking and/or renting of spaces. Provision to be made for Young families, those of restricted Mobility and Elderly couples to have the right to access designated Car Park Spaces close to their Homes”
- Phasing
One of the distinguishing features of any SDZ has to be that of phasing. Accordingly we are requesting that Motion 335 be approved so that the number of phases be increased to six, with additional minimum delivery requirements inserted into revised Table 4.3 as per Table below.
Phase | Residential Units constructed and occupied |
Minimum Delivery in Phase |
Prior to commencement of development | Prior to the commencement of development, strategic district level measures and detailed design shall be prepared by the developer(s) and agreed with South Dublin County Council through a Surface Water Management Plan to implement the prepared Surface Water Strategy.
Prior to the commencement of development, a strategic level Parks and Landscape Strategy (incorporating a Biodiversity Management Plan) shall be prepared by the developer(s) and agreed in writing with South Dublin County Council. Prior to the commencement of development, detailed Water and Wastewater plans for the Planning Scheme shall be prepared by the developers and agreed with Irish Water and South Dublin County Council. Prior to the commencement of development, strategic district level measures and detailed design shall be prepared by the developer(s) and agreed with South Dublin County Council through a Green Roof Plan for apartment blocks and selected lower density units to control excess surface water runoff in the SDZ (complementing the Surface Water Management Plan), to protect and enhance biodiversity (complementing the Biodiversity Management Plan), to enhance visual amenity and to improve insulation in buildings. Prior to the commencement of development, detailed energy sustainability and micro-generation plans for the Planning Scheme shall be prepared by the developers and agreed with Irish Water and South Dublin County Council, in order to minimise electricity costs to householders and retailers in individual units and in apartment buildings. Prior to the commencement of development a timeline shall be agreed for the opening of Kishoge Train Station in advance of Phase 1B. Prior to the commencement of development a timeline shall be agreed for the provision of dedicated orbital bus routes along Fonthill Road, the Outer Ring Road and Adamstown Link Road. Prior to the commencement of development the Council shall agree and make available to the Department of Education the first three school sites, one second level and two 16-class primary, in anticipation of time lags caused by planning applications and construction so as to ensure school places for the children of new residents in tandem with the occupation of residential units. Prior to the commencement of development the Lock Road realignment shall be completed so as to reduce dependency on Outer Ring Road and Adamstown Link Road.
Prior to the commencement of development the Newcastle Road roundabout at Super Valu shall be upgraded along with improvements at the interchange with the N4. Prior to the commencement of development the Adamstown to Celbridge Road extension and central spine boulevard road shall be completed to complement the upgrade to the Lock Road/Newcastle Road and provide alternatives to the Outer Ring Road for access to and from the N4 and N7. Prior to the commencement of development the Council shall liaise with An Garda Siochana and the Department of Justice regarding the optimum location for the provision of an additional future Garda station in either the Kishoge or Clonburris retail core, with sufficient outline space being identified for same as part of any retail or public space within the urban centre. Prior to the commencement of development the Council shall upgrade the Griffeen Avenue interchange with the Outer Ring Road to facilitate smoother traffic flows onto the Outer Ring Road and minimise the impact of potential construction traffic and employee traffic in vicinity of same. Prior to the commencement of development the Council shall, in consultation with Irish Rail, TII and the NTA ensure that Kishoge railway station opens with minimum twice-hourly service at peak times so as to cater for existing latent demand and act as an incentive for the first new Urban Centre homes to be occupied as early as possible. Prior to the commencement of development, and acknowledging that the SDZ discourages traditional levels of car usage, the Council shall devise a framework in consultation with developers to facilitate reasonable levels of car ownership as required by residents. In this context an agreed plan shall be put in place to provide sufficient off-street parking for residents so that relatives, tradespeople and other visitors who may not be in a position to use public transport have sufficient access to time-restricted on-street parking.
1A | 0-500 | Retail Core development at Clonburris in accordance with the Place Making Requirements. Planning Permission for Clonburris Retail Core only.
Provision of orbital bus route along Fonthill Road (or enhancement of existing service) to cover at least Blanchardstown Liffey Valley, North Clondalkin, Balgaddy, Clonburris Retail Core, South West Clondalkin, Clondalkin village, Tallaght Hospital and IT Tallaght, with minimum twice-hourly service at peak times. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure on a pro rata basis in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC. Kishoge railway station to provide at least minimum twice-hourly service at peak times and hourly service outside these hours. A 20% capacity increase in bus routes servicing Griffeen Avenue at the boundary of SDZ.
1B | 500-1,000 | Retail Core development at Kishoge in accordance with the Place Making Requirements. Planning permission for Kishoge Retail Core only.
Planning permission for Clonburris Retail Core and Urban Centre only, including retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub. Provision of orbital bus route along Outer Ring Road servicing Lucan village, Kishoge Retail Core, Deansrath/Kilcarberry, Tallaght Hospital and IT Tallaght, with a minimum twice-hourly service at peak times (7-9am). Planning and commencement of Link Streets with associated undergrounded services in Development Areas where construction of residential units commences or commenced. Kishoge railway station to provide minimum three times per hour service at peak times and hourly service outside these hours. Opening of permanent second-level school site to South West of Clonburris Sports Campus land near Kishoge Urban Centre (likely Griffeen Community College, currently in temporary accommodation). Development of Clonburris Sports Campus including the construction of a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Outer Ring Road linking both sides of these lands. Opening of first 16-class primary school near Clonburris Urban Centre. Opening of first 16-class primary school near Kishoge Urban Centre. Opening of first playground or play space.
2 | 1,000-2,000 | Planning permission for Kishoge Retail Core and Urban Centre only, including retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub.
Planning permission for Clonburris Retail Core and Urban Centre only, including further retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub Planning and commencement of works at Griffeen Valley Park Extension and Barony Park (North and South) in accordance with the prepared and agreed strategic Parks and Landscape Strategy. Agree and make available fourth school (primary) site to the Department of Education in accordance with requirement of the Department of Education and SDCC and allowing for time lag due to planning, tender and construction. Provision of a minimum 2,000 sqm net convenience floorspace and 1,000 sqm net comparison/retail services floorspace (As part of the Place Making Requirements for delivery of Kishoge and Clonburris). Provision of a minimum of 1,000 sqm of community services floorspace (e.g. childcare or health centre, shared community building, at Kishoge and/or Clonburris – subject to location of residential units constructed). Design and planning permission for District Park Hub at Clonburris Little. Provide/demonstrate availability of childcare spaces in the catchment in accordance with Section 2.7.3. District and catchment level measures from an agreed Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas of construction. Retail Core development in accordance with the Place Making Requirements. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC on a pro rata basis. Provision of Fire Station, assuming one not already provided at Adamstown. Occupation of at least 1,700 units, with street lighting switched on and full services available. Identification and provision of at least one dedicated place of worship within in a multi-use community facility that is capable of catering for 300 people through the use of extended public space. Identification and provision of other required places of worship and shared community facilities for minority religious groups in consultation with local community to ascertain need. Provision of landmark civic building in urban centre. The opening of at least one café/restaurant in each urban centre and/or at train stations. A further 20% capacity increase in bus routes servicing Griffeen Avenue at the boundary of SDZ.
3 | 2,000-3,500 | Identification of suitable space for a new Garda station in consultation with the Department of Justice and An Garda Siochana to serve the greater Clonburris area and provision of same, should such a building be deemed desirable at this stage.
Provision of 15 minute average service at peak times (7-9am) from Kishoge and Clondalkin Fonthill stations. The opening of at least one supermarket in urban centre location. Provision of 20 minute average service at peak times (7-9am) of orbital routes along the Fonthill Road and Outer Ring Road Planning permission for Kishoge Retail Core and Urban Centre only, including retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub. Planning permission for Clonburris Retail Core and Urban Centre only, including further retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub. Planning permission for zones immediately adjoining Clonburris Retail Core.Completion of Link Streets and associated junctions with associated undergrounded in development areas where residential units are constructed (includes bridges where relevant). Agree and make available further site(s) to the Department of Education for School(s) if requested. Provide/demonstrate availability of childcare spaces in the catchment in accordance with Section 2.7.3. District and catchment level measures from the Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas. Retail Core development in accordance with the Place Making Requirements table. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC on a pro-rata basis. Provision of strategic pedestrian/ cycle links (including bridges) in development areas where residential units are constructed. Identification of emerging preferred route for N7-N4 link road to divert through traffic off Outer Ring Road and Newcastle Road. Occupation of at least 3,000 units, with street lighting switched on and full services available. Provision of landmark civic building in urban centre. Provision of additional community hall in urban centre. Provision of car sharing or car pooling service in at least one urban centre. The opening of at least one bank facility in urban centre. The opening of at least one post office in an urban centre. Opening of additional playground or play space.
4 | 3,500-5,000 | The delivery of a Luas to Lucan, so as to reduce pressure on bus routes servicing SDZ at Griffeen Avenue and to provide alternative to Kishoge and Fonthill for rail access to city centre.
Planning permission for Kishoge Retail Core and Urban Centre, including retail provision, employment, residential, community floorspace and urban hub. Planning permission for zones immediately adjoining Kishoge Urban Centre. Planning permission for Clonburris Retail Core and Urban Centre and zones immediately adjoining Clonburris Retail Core and Urban Centre.
Provide/demonstrate availability of childcare spaces in the catchment in accordance with Section 2.7.3. District and catchment level measures from the Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas. Retail Core development in accordance with the Place Making Requirements table. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC on a pro rata basis. Provision of strategic pedestrian/ cycle links (including bridges) in development areas where residential units are constructed. Opening of first phase of Grange Castle extension to enhance local employment opportunities. Provision of Orbital Bus Route at minimum linking Clonburris and Kishoge Urban Centres and Adamstown Urban Centre along Adamstown Link Road. Opening of additional 16-class primary school at one of designated sites to be identified in consultation with Department of Education. Council to agree and make available to the Department of Education a further second level school site, in anticipation of time lags caused by planning applications and construction so as to ensure school places for the children of new residents in tandem with the occupation of residential units. Occupation of at least 4,000 units, with street lighting switched on and full services available. Provide floorspace in Clonburris or Kishoge Urban Centres for a minimum of 1 primary health care centre in consultation with the HSE. Opening of public library in urban centre. The opening of at least one additional supermarket in urban location. The opening of at least one hardware store in urban location. Provision of car sharing or car pooling service in both urban centres. Undergrounding of 220 kv line. Provision of DART-style service to Hazelhatch. Commencement of Plans for DART Underground in City Centre (if part of national policy). Delivery of Luas to Lucan. Opening of Regional Playground.
5 | 5,000-6,500 | Agree and make available additional primary site(s) to the Department of Education for School(s) if requested.
Opening of additional second level school at one of designated sites to be identified in consultation with Department of Education. Provide/demonstrate availability of childcare spaces in the catchment in accordance with Section 2.7.3. District and catchment level measures from the Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas. Retail Core development in accordance with the Place Making Requirements table. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC on a pro rata basis. Provision of strategic pedestrian/ cycle links (including bridges) in development areas where residential units are constructed. Occupation of at least 6,000 units, with street lighting switched on and full services available. Provision of public swimming pool at suitable urban location. Provision of civic theatre and public performance venue at suitable urban location. Commencement of construction of new orbital road linking N7 and N4. Provision of orbital bus service linking Clonburris SDZ urban areas with Grange Castle, Grange Castle Extension, Greenogue and Citywest, encompassing ORR and Nangor Road links through Newcastle, Rathcoole and Saggart.
6 | 6,500-end | Agree and make available additional primary site(s) to the Department of Education for School(s) if requested.
Opening of additional second level school at one of designated sites to be identified in consultation with Department of Education. Provide/demonstrate availability of childcare spaces in the catchment in accordance with Section 2.7.3. District and catchment level measures from the Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas. Retail Core development in accordance with the Place Making Requirements table. Provision of Water and Wastewater infrastructure in accordance with detailed plans agreed with Irish Water and SDCC on a pro rata basis. Provision of strategic pedestrian/ cycle links (including bridges) in development areas where residential units are constructed.
Provide floorspace in Clonburris or Kishoge Urban Centres for a minimum of 1 additional health care centre in consultation with the HSE. District and catchment level measures from the Surface Water Management Plan to accommodate construction within the subject development areas of construction.
- Garda Station
As local representatives for the area we are acutely aware of the need for additional resources within An Garda Siochana. We also recognise the requirement for having a Garda station located within communities. As Clonburris has a projected population of minimum 20,000 and taking into account the neighbouring Adamstown SDZ with a projected population of a further 20,000 minimum, a Garda Station within the Clonburris SDZ is necessary to ensure the community is provided with adequate policing services.
We request that Material Alteration Section 2.7 – No.6 (as detailed below) is amended to include the identification of the building location within the plan in both text and legend.
MA 2.7 No 6
“Provision is made for a Garda Station in the Clonburris SDZ, the station will be accommodated within the Kishoge or Clonburris Urban Centres.”
- Transport
The phasing element of the SDZ is the most critical part of the SDZ plan as we strive towards moving existing and future residents out of their cars and into public transport. The number of Transport Material Alterations which were not passed by some councillors have resulted in the transport infrastructure being severely weakened as the delivery of the frequency of bus and train services have been reduced. As previously noted in our submission the existing distributor roads have very little scope for upgrading and have reached severely congested levels, even before Adamstown is even one quarter developed, and will continue to deteriorate as housing is rolled out unless the major Orbital relief road between the N7 and N4 (referenced as Celbridge Link Road’ on the County Development Plan) is phased into the Clonburris SDZ plan.
We proposed motions including initial planning works on the New Orbital Route to be included in the phasing plan for Clonburris which resulted in Material Alteration Ref. Section 4.0 – No.3 being inserted into the draft development plan
This material alteration was removed in June 2018.
We now object to removal of this Material Alteration to the county development plan and request that Material Alteration 4.0 – No.3 as detailed below is re-instated.
MATERIAL ALTERATION REF. Section 4.0 – No. 3 adds the following to the 4.3 Phasing Table
Prior to Commencement | South Dublin County Council shall commence consultation with Kildare County Council and Fingal County Council to identify the preferred route of a major regional link road running from the N7 and N4 in accordance with South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2016 -2022 TMI Objective 4
We further request that Motion 94 “Provision shall be made for proposed new public transport infrastructure and facilities such as a substation under the proposed DART expansion programme.” be restored.
- Post Approval
Given that the Clonburris SDZ has been classified by the Government as a Major Urban Housing Development Site (MUHDS) and as verified by the Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council “…has been undertaken in a way that articulates and enlivens the development potential of the lands, looks beyond the boundary of the SDZ, seeks to achieve integration with the adjoining communities of Adamstown, Lucan and Clondalkin, and contribute to the future development and growth of the wider South Dublin County beyond.” (P 16 CE Report on Submissions received), and given the commitments contained in “Putting People First” with its emphasis on promoting active citizenship; we request that ABP require that South Dublin County Council shall, immediately the scheme receives its final approved and prior to any development taking place, establish a Community Consultative Forum (CCF) reporting to the South Dublin County Council Chamber, composed of Council staff, Elected Representatives and Representatives of the neighbouring communities of Adamstown, Lucan and Clondalkin and of Clonburris SDZ residents and traders as they settle.
The terms of reference of the CCF shall be determined at establishment and be formally approved by the Elected Members of the full Council and shall include: The promotion of viable and sustainable communities in Clonburris, Adamstown, Lucan and Clondalkin; and across all four communities’ sustainable traffic and travel arrangements, public and community amenities, retail and employment opportunities and an infrastructure that promotes a desirable quality of life for all.
Yours Sincerely
Cllr. Liona O’Toole
10 Brookfield, Finnstown Abbey, Lucan, Co. Dublin |
Cllr. Guss O’Connell | Cllr. Francis Timmons |