Land Opposite Lucan Sarsfields Enterprise Zoning
September 21, 2023
This is my motion proposing that the lands opposite Lucan Sarsfields and the Maxol Garage (Area between Railway Line, Canal, Newcastle road and future extension of Griffeen Park) are zoned EE (Enterprise and Employment) rather than residential. My motion was passed with a major amendment ie it will still be residential but with one playing pitch and after the Griffeen Park extension is complete. I will be pursing this further. High/Medium density housing in this location would have a major impact on the already congested Newcastle Road. As this land will be landlocked by the railway, canal and Griffen Park the only way in or out will be via the Newcastle Road.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
MOTION: Councillor L. O’Toole
That this council zone the Adamstown marked area between the railway, canal, Newcastle Road and Griffeen park as Zone EE:
To support the necessary and needed infrastructure within neighbouring Grangecastle with small to medium sub-supplier business’s, to support job growth within Adamstown and Lucan to meet the objectives / Ethos of nearby Adamstown where residents both work and live in the area reducing need for transport. Currently the Adamstown development has employment primarily in service business’s such as shops, cinemas etc but little in the way of small manufacturing or other businesses.
Area should not be zoned residential because
This area is isolated by park from Clonborrris with no easy access. It will be neither in Clonburris or Adamstown or Lucan where families will struggle with school placements etc
The Newcastle road is already gridlocked and Adamstown has yet to be built out (8k housing units). The natural flow of traffic is not towards Newcastle but rather down to the N4.
Area should be zoned Enterprise and Employment because
Create local employment opportunities
Fulfil the shortage of offices for small to medium enterprises in Lucan
Enterprise would have less impact on the Newcastle road than a residential area
Increase the use of the cycle network therefore reducing amount of traffic commuting in and out of Lucan which would also reduce traffic in the Lucan area.
The proximity of Grange Castle will allow small indigenous technology and service companies to feed into the multinational companies within Grange Castle.
A landscape EE area would complement the adjacent Griffeen park allowing a landscape aspect from the Newcastle road to the Griffeen park and vice versa
Co sponsored by Guss O’Connell and Paul Gogarty
It is a requirement under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) for the County Development Plan including its Core Strategy to be consistent with the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area 2010 – 2022 and to ensure that there are sufficient and suitable lands zoned to meet the population and housing requirements for the County.
The Settlement Strategy contained within the Regional Planning Guidelines (RPGs) identifies Lucan and Clondalkin as Metropolitan Consolidation Towns where population and housing growth should be directed particularly to areas where there is access to high quality public transport. This is reflected in the Core Strategy contained in the Draft County Development Plan. The RPGs advise that Metropolitan Consolidation Towns are important foci within the Metropolitan Area and should continue to be developed to support key public transport corridors (such as the Dublin – Kildare Line), services and retail and economic activity.