Lucan Newsletter 28/7/2023
July 28, 2023
Overgrown hedges: I’ve highlighted a number of areas where there’s overgrown hedges along the footpaths with council management. I’ve noticed while out walking around Lucan many areas where the footpath was unusable, which I have also highlighted with council management. If you would like an area of overgrown hedges or trees reported do get in touch with me.
Lucan Harriers AC 5 Mile Road Race: Our local athletics club ‘Lucan Harriers’ are delighted to be holding their annual 5 Mile Road Race taking place on Sunday 3rd September at 11am. As someone who has participated in this over the years, I can assure you it’s a race you’ll enjoy! For more information and to register visit
Lucan Library: Each month Lucan library publishes their events programme which is a fun filled pack of many events. Check out their Facebook page for more details.