Introduction of Age Friendly Parking Spaces Motion 28/3/2023

March 28, 2023


Tuesday, March 28, 2023
MOTION: Councillor L. O’Toole
That the Chief Executive look into the introduction of age friendly parking spaces, if these parking spaces could be included in areas around Lucan and in particular as part of planning in newer estates in Adamstown and Clonburris
SDCC would be in in favour in principal with the provision of Age Friendly Parking in busy Urban areas. While SDCC Transport Department has not developed a detailed policy on Age Friendly Parking to date, there has been preliminary liaison with the Community Department in this matter, where Age Friendly Parking might be one of the actions of an age friendly town or village.
The details to consider are:
1. Appropriate areas to locate Age Friendly Parking.
2. The number of existing public Parking Spaces available at a particular location.
3. The appropriate proportions of Age Friendly Parking spaces to ordinary parking spaces at each location being considered.
In relation to the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ’s: These estates have been designed with provision for shared parking spaces along the public roads and with the recommended mobility impaired spaces. There is a delicate balance to maintain in these types of locations between ordinary parking spaces and designated spaces for specific groups.
Conversion of ordinary parking spaces in these types of locations needs to be carefully considered. Providing Age Friendly parking in housing estates would be problematic.
The main locations where Age Friendly Spaces could successfully be delivered is in Village Centres such as Lucan Village, particularly close to Doctors Surgeries, Pharmacies and Day Care Centres, as well as in Council owned premises e.g. Community Centres, Public Parks and County Libraries.
With this general framework in mind, SDCC have been considering Age Friendly Parking Spaces at some of the following locations:
The Community Section are looking at putting an Age friendly Space into some of the Community centres, Corporate Section are considering the option to deliver an Age Friendly Parking Space at the Innovation Centre and Public Realm are considering delivering Age Friendly Spaces at some of the parks. The library section have also been contacted to see if there are any suitable locations at their facilities.
End of Report.

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